Thursday 26 July 2012

VTech Moosical Beads, vtech crawl & learn bright lights ball , Vtech Spin and Discover Ocean Fun -

The VTech Mooscial Beads is the most udderly fantastic way to learn and develop vital skills. The huggable plush cow has different textures for baby to explore and a graspable plastic ring which is great for tiny hands. Baby can get creative jamming fun sounds and learn about cause and effect vtech crawl & learn bright lights ball The crawl and learn bright lights ball is a magically moving ball with built-in motor to help promote crawling. Let your little one press the chunky buttons to hear fun music and animal sound effects. Transparent colourful buttons give a fantastic light-up effect along with the spining disk on the top. vtech spin & discover ocean fun,1-2-3, count the animals with me. Make learning waves with the Spin and Discover Ocean Fun! This fun spining top will help your baby develop an awareness of cause and effect; push the starfish plunger and watch the animals spin round and round! 3D turtle, dolphin, crab and octopus characters and light-u QUINNY BUZZ PUSHCHAIR WITH AMAZING GAS ASSISTED OPENING SO YOU ONLY NEED TO USE ONE HAND INCLUDES RAIN COVER &SHOPPING BASKET SEAT RECLINES & CAN BE PARENT FACING OR FORWARD FACING INCLUDES SHOPPING BASKET COST 399.99 ALSO INCLUDED IS A GORGEOUS DREAMI CARRYCOT WHICH RAIN COVER ALSO FITS. NO APRON BUT IN EXCELLENT CONDITION COST 139.99 TOTAL PRICE FOR BOTH WAS 539 USED FOR JUST 6MONTHS QUICK SALE 130 FOR BOTH! SAVING OVER 400 excellent condition hardly been used The Bumbo baby sitter enables your baby to sit up unaided once they are strong enough to support their own head. and is suitable for babies from around 4 months to children up to 10 kg in weight excellent condition only used for a month!! come with adaptors to fit onto a britax car seat still have the box the car seat came in


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